Coaching and practice sessions 2022

Please see details of the arrangements for coaching and practice sessions for members for the coming season.

You will see that our usual arrangements at Fitzwimarc school have been severely curtailed. As a result, we have had to reorganize the way coaching is offered before Easter and make alternative arrangements elsewhere, set out below, the timings may not be as convenient as in earlier years. Please note that if these times are inconvenient or there are too many players at these sessions we will try to offer sessions at other schools on Saturday or Sunday afternoons but spaces are at a premium. The management committee will review this situation during the first two weeks of February.

All indoor sessions cost £2 to pay for hall hire.

Coaching and practice sessions at the Club during the 2022 season

Indoor sessions before Easter

Sessions for Players aged 15 and over

Saturdays 9-10 am Fitzwimarc   29.1.22 to 2.4.22   4th, 5th, 6th and 7th XI players

Mondays 8-9.30 pm. Fitzwimarc 31.1.22 to 4.4.22 1st. 2nd and 3rd and Women’s XI

Sessions for Colts aged 14 and under

Thursday 7– 8pm. Sweyne Park Sch’l  3.2.22-7.4.22 U15’s  Lead coach Ben Francis

Fridays 5-6.30pm   Sweyne Park School  4.2.22-8.4.22 U13’s  Lead coach Ray Hart

U9s, U11s Andrew Barker will be organizing these sessions on Saturday or Sunday afternoon and he is contacting parents to determine the best day and times to run the sessions art. It is expected these sessions will run at Sweyne Park School also. A further message will be sent when these arrangements have been finalized and about All Stars as well.

Car parking at Sweyne Park is via Sir Walter Raleigh Drive off London Road and the sports hall is at the back of the school to the North side of the main building.  There is no need to report to Reception as it is outside school hours. Under current restrictions parents should wear face masks but this may change.

Outdoor sessions after Easter

After Easter coaching will resume outside and changes have been made or will have been made by then namely the construction of two extra practice pitches on the west end of the main square- and the installation of a new double net in place of the existing net which will enable us to run coaching sessions for all colts on the same evening and two evenings for adults.

Provisional programme – more details to follow.

Mondays         Women and Girls and players aged 15 and over

Tuesdays          Coaching for U9s, U11s, U13s and U15s

Wednesdays.  Midweek XI, U15 and U13 home games

Thursdays        Players aged 15 and over

Fridays            Women and Girls XI home games

Saturdays        All Stars am and T Rippon League games pm

Sundays            U11 games am and Sunday XI pm