Please Read: 2025 Membership
Subscription fees, match fees and net fees need to be paid by monthly standing order. The only alternative is to pay all money owed before the start of the season by bank transfer or cash. Details of how the scheme works can be found below.
The monthly standing order must be made out to the Club general account (sort code 40 38 24, account number 31129570) giving the players name as the reference and SO at the end. Payment must be started by 31st March 2025, otherwise the higher rate of subscription will apply.
All members must agree method of payment and amount by email to the membership secretary via
Apply for Membership
To join or renew your membership, please complete the relevant form below. This step is essential for all members, including those renewing from the 2024 season, as it helps us keep accurate records and comply with GDPR data protection guidelines.
If you wish to complete a non-electronic version of the membership form, you can download a copy by clicking below. Please return to
2025 Membership Rates
*Sunday matches will be charged at £6 per match if the player has also played on the previous Saturday. If subscriptions are paid after 31st March 2025 they will increase by 25%. If payment is not received by 31st March 2025, membership of the club will be terminated under clause 4.4 of the Club Constitution until payment is received as above. Please note, in case of hardship, arrangements for payment by standing order for adult subscriptions and match fees must be arranged with the membership secretary ( by 28th February 2025.
*The notes for adult membership regarding late payment of fees apply to colt membership. Colt members who participate in adult cricket will pay £6 per adult game. **For details on All Stars, please email
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How does the club define ‘unemployed’ and who can apply for this type of membership?
The unemployed membership category should apply to those who are in financial hardship such that full subscription and match fees would be too much of a burden for them to pay.
The applicant would be expected to be actively looking for work and in receipt of some form of related state benefit (such as Job Seekers Allowance or Universal Credit).
What has happened to the subscription category “retired and under 65”?
The category was removed at the 2023 AGM after a vote by the members present.
If you were in that category in 2023 you are now part of the main adult category (24 to 66) unless you are now aged 67 or more.
The consideration discussed at the AGM was that the retired have as much disposable income as many who are in their 20s and 30s and are still working.
I’ve already paid for my child’s annual subs by bank transfer. How am I going to pay for nets and match fees?
From January 2024 the requirement from the club is that parents set up a standing order which will cover any indoor net fees if he/she attends from January to March and to include match fees once the outdoor season starts.
If he does attend indoor nets the cost is £35. Colt matches will be charged at £5 per match and if he/she plays 10 matches that will be an additional £50 (at £5 per match).
Will I still be able to pay cash for my child’s match fees?
No. You need to set up a standing order in January to cover match fees as part of an overall package for the whole season.
This is to enable coaches to concentrate on cricket and not have to worry about collecting money from parents.
Will I still be able to pay cash for my child’s indoor net fees?
No. You need to set up a standing order in January to cover indoor net fees as part of an overall package for the whole season.
All attendees at nets will have their name recorded and this will trigger the correct payment. This change is to enable coaches to concentrate on cricket and not have to worry about collecting money from parents.
Will there be any refunds if players only play a few games during the season?
Yes. At the end of the season the Membership Secretary will check how many games a player has played.
How will a member set up a standing order with their bank?
The member should logon to their internet banking app to create a standing order for the amount agreed with the Membership Secretary.
What are the bank details needed to setup the standing order?
Rayleigh CC bank account sort code is 40-38-24 and account number is 31129570
What will happen if a member stops their standing order?
If this happens without the written agreement of the Membership Secretary the member will not be eligible for selection until their account has been re-started.
Will colts be expected to pay their subs and match fees in the same way?
Yes. All players are expected to pay for their subs, match fees and net fees by monthly standing order.
Will there be a choice for all playing members?
All players are expected to use the monthly standing order payment. However, any player may choose to pay for their whole seasons costs in January via bank transfer or cash.
How will this system work on a match day?
Each captain will ensure that the score book is completed correctly with the full names of all players. This is then uploaded to play-cricket and the Membership Secretary records those who play each week.
How will the amount to pay per member be calculated?
The Membership Secretary has a list of all of the adult and colt matches that members play each season. This information will be used to decide the correct level of monthly standing order payment based on the membership category of each player and the relevant match fees for that category and the number of matches from the previous season or an estimate of those to be played in the coming season.
Can I still pay as an occasional player as I did in previous seasons?
No. All players are required to set up a standing order even if it is for only a few matches each season. The Membership Secretary will help to decide the most appropriate standing order amount for each player.
Will potential new members be expected to start a standing order event before playing?
No. Potential new members will be asked to decide after 2 matches if they want to join the club. When they apply for membership they will be expected to setup the standing order immediately.