Resolutions for 2015 AGM

Resolutions for the 2015 Annual General Meeting

Resolution 1 – Committee resolution

It is proposed that anyone who plays occasionally shall pay a match fee of £15 for an adult and £8 for a student, unemployed or retired person. 

Resolution 2 – Committee resolution
It is proposed that Adult, Student / Unemployed, Colt, Midweek, Associate and Life membership will entitle the member to Clubhouse membership for his/her immediate family at no extra cost provided their names are shown on the member’s application form each year.

Note. The Club is registered as a Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC), which gives the Club some significant financial benefits. A new condition for registration of a Community Amateur Sports Club requires that at least 50% of members of the Club are actively participating in sport. The words in red have been added to limit the number of Clubhouse members to those family members who will actually attend social functions at the Club.

Resolution 3

It is proposed that Colin White be elected as a Life member of the Club.

Proposed – Brian Dawbarn


Seconded – Richard Verrinder

Richard Verrinder
RCC Hon. Secretary