To: All members, players, parents, carers
We are all living through unprecedented and uncertain times and that is also true as far as cricket is concerned at the Club. The Club Management Committee have been reviewing the situation and this message is sent to you to let you know what may or may not happen at the Club this year.
The pavilion is closed for all activities until further notice.
As regards the financial situation it will be a difficult year for the Club with potentially heavily reduced income but we have been able to negotiate reductions in quite a number of the larger areas of cost and are taking measures to reduce costs in other areas.
The Club should remain financially solvent and we thank those of you who have paid your subscriptions already and those of you who are paying by standing order. To those of you who are paying in this way we would ask that you continue to do so if you can afford to, but if you need or wish to stop these payments temporarily please advise Richard Verrinder. In addition, if you have lost your job you may wish for any payments made to date to be repaid so please advise Richard of this as well. These requests will be treated in confidence.
With regard to the amounts of membership subscription payable for the season the Club Management Committee will decide how much should be paid when it is known how many games, if any, have been played in the season. In the event of the season being a total washout, the expectancy will be that the subscription will be repayable less a token membership fee of say £10 or £20. Alternatively, the balance could be carried forward in respect of the 2021 subscription at the member’s choice.
The Club Management Committee is also very grateful to those members who have offered to make additional financial donations to the club – they are very much appreciated. However, we are not sure they will be necessary at the present time but will advise those of you who have contacted us about this when we know more about our financial situation.
Please note if there is any indication that playing cricket can be resumed we will be in touch about what is going to happen as soon as practical afterwards.
Finally, we would like to give our best wishes to all of our members and their families and that they will keep safe and be well throughout this difficult time.
Richard Verrinder
On behalf of the Club Management Committee