Please note…
The following content has been taken from the English Cricket Board (ECB) website. To access the original post and to view courses available, please click here.
Regardless of your age, ability, or experience of playing cricket, if you have a passion for our game and wish to be involved in other ways, then officiating could be for you.
There are many ways of being involved as an official, whether umpiring or scoring. All these roles are key to enable our game to be played in a safe, fun and fair way.
There are many reasons to get involved in officiating, be it to help support the club by umpiring and scoring matches, to learn more about the laws of the game, or to enable you to perform at the highest levels of the game.
Scoring plays a crucial part in a game of cricket, ensuring that runs scored, wickets down and other key information is recorded during the game. Scoring a game of cricket can be done in multiple ways, from traditional book scoring and linear style to electronic scoring using computers, tablets or in some forms of the game, a mobile app.
Within our club, there are more opportunities to get involved with live scoring and streaming of matches – thanks to our investment in NVPlay professional scoring technology.
There are a wide array of scoring course available, from free online courses (for those with limited knowledge) to the accredited Level One Scorer from the Association of Cricket Officials (ACO).
Basic Scoring (Online Course)
This free entry level course is designed to provide you with all the skills needed to start scoring You don’t need any prior knowledge of scoring to participate.
The course covers the basics of scoring a game of cricket such as scoring symbols, umpire signals, dismissals and gives a helpful overview of the Laws of the game.

Introductory Course
The aim of this course is to provide you with the basic skills and knowledge to record a cricket match. It won’t teach you everything you need to know, but it will give you the tools and confidence to get started.
Topics covered include: completing a scoring record, recognising umpire’s signals, standard scoring symbols.
Club Scorer
This free entry level course is designed to provide you with all the skills needed to start scoring You don’t need any prior knowledge of scoring to participate.
The course covers the basics of scoring a game of cricket such as scoring symbols, umpire signals, dismissals and gives a helpful overview of the Laws of the game.

Level 1 Course
Level 1 is open to any ECB ACO member who has completed the Club Scorer course. Not a taught course, this award is attained by scoring a minimum of 10 matches and getting some colleague feedback to go in your scoring portfolio.
When you are ready for a professional discussion with a Scorer Development Observer.
People of all ages, genders, races and abilities are getting into umpiring. Described by some as the “Best seat in the house”, being in the middle of the game and making decisions to ensure the game is played fairly and in accordance to the Laws of the game is the main role of an umpire
Umpiring can provide some the opportunity to progress from starting to umpire at their club, through the higher levels of the game to operate within Professional Cricket and beyond, in both genders of competition.