As you will see from the email below we have finally been given the green light to start playing recreational cricket again from Saturday 11th July.
The first thing that we need to do is to find out how many of you are interested in playing from that date so that fixtures can be arranged.
If you do want to play then send an email to
Preference will be given to those who have already paid their membership subscriptions (either as a one off payment or via standing order) and match fees will be charged at their usual rate (£10 adults, £5 colts). Those who have not paid must also pay a minimum of £20 towards their annual subs before playing on 11th July. The number of games played during the season will dictate the amount of the subs for the year (up to £50).
At the present time the Covid-19 requirements have not been finalised but you should come to the game changed and ready to play, with your own tea and drink and be aware that the changing rooms will not be open for use. However, the toilets will be available in the clubhouse. Once final guidance is available from the ECB we will issue further information.
Drinks will be available from the bar after home games but they will need to be drunk outside the pavilion with proper social distancing as will be happening tomorrow.
Richard Verrinder
Secretary, RCC
on behalf of the management committee